About Nutrition Exchange

Nutrition Exchange (NEX) was an ENN publication that contained short, non-technical and easy-to-read articles on nutrition programme experiences and learning, from countries with a high burden of undernutrition and those that are prone to crisis. It summarised research and provided information on guidance, tools and training in nutrition and related sectors. 

Nutrition Exchange was for all those working to reduce levels of undernutrition at the national, district and community level. This included government, civil society and all sectors concerned with nutrition including agriculture, health, education, water and sanitation and social protection. 

The last issue of Nutrition Exchange was published in March 2020. For similar content please see Field Exchange Digest

Nutrition Exchange South Asia

ENN and UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia (ROSA) have partnered to produce a second regional issue, this time on complementary feeding in South Asia. 

Nutrition Exchange (NEX) South Asia: Improving the diets of young children contains nine articles from six countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan) written by government staff and their development partners, including UNICEF, WFP, Alive and Thrive and the Helen Keller International organisation. 

Each country is a unique context and these articles provide important insights into how the diets of young children are assessed, understood and addressed across diverse settings. This themed issue provides a very rich insight into what's being done in each of these countries to improve complementary feeding, the challenges being faced and the steps being taken to protect children in the 6-23 months age range from the negative impacts of poor diets on their growth and development.

Project details

2011 - 2020